
This is a contemporary arabesque style of decoration characterized by intertwines plants and abstract curvilinear motifs. 

Eternal Spiral, Symmetry and structure, and rhythm and balance are the key elements of this style. 

Meet Diana Gillikian

“I’m very happy that I did come out. It completely aligns with what I was looking for in this room even down to the finest detail and I love coming in here its like my new favorite place in the house. I spend so much time in here and I’ve never really came in this room before” 


Did The Outcome Meet Your Expectations?

“I think out of the whole house this is probably the room that I had not spent any time in. I am so happy that it is set up now that I actually love coming in here and it makes me happy it brings me peace. There’s a certain serenity to being in this room and everything just fits together and there’s this there’s a level of agreement and I all of the different details, everything just combines to make this beautiful space have extremely high vibes. I love it”


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